Our pathway to
equipping believers
to fulfill their purpose, and cultivating a Spirit-led community that transforms lives and impacts the world with God’s love, power, and truth.
The covenant keeping God is the Father of all humankind. The Father loves you and has a good plan for your life! God is the Father of your spirit (Hebrews 2:1). Your human bloodline may have issues, but your spirit comes from God. Though He used a male and female in your creation, He knit you together in your mother’s womb (Ps 139). If you know that, you can overcome any adverse inheritance in your bloodline. God loves you enough and is committed to you to accomplish His plan for your life. If you will agree with God, He is faithful to bring you into the fullness of your unique, destined plan (Phil. 1:6). To learn more, we recommend you read Time to Defeat the Devil.
God loves you so much that He sent His Son (John 3:16). He came and dwelt among us to reveal the Father. Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, for 40 days withstood the enemy and adversary of our soul, Satan, and overcame every temptation that would be known to humankind. He submitted Himself to the Father of creation and became a sacrifice upon a tree for all humankind. This liberated us from the curse of death and destruction. This also caused the schism between Father-God and humankind to be reconciled. Because of the shedding of His blood, we now have access to come boldly before Father. Jesus perfectly represented the Father of creation to the earth realm. Through our relationship with Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, we can now know our Father and have eternal Life. To learn more, we recommend you read Messianic Church Arising
Jesus was and is the Word incarnate. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The whole Bible is ours. All Scripture (Old and New Testaments) is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for us today. The Old Testament is just as much a revelation of the Father’s heart as the New Testament. Under the New Covenant, however, we relate the Scriptures through Grace. Our relationship with God is not based on an external, legalistic code, but on the life of God dwelling in us through His Spirit. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10). To learn more, we recommend you watch Issachar – How to Study the Bible.
Jesus was and is the Word incarnate. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The whole Bible is ours. All Scripture (Old and New Testaments) is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for us today. The Old Testament is just as much a revelation of the Father’s heart as the New Testament. Under the New Covenant, however, we relate the Scriptures through Grace. Our relationship with God is not based on an external, legalistic code, but on the life of God dwelling in us through His Spirit. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10). To learn more, we recommend you watch Issachar – How to Study the Bible.
The law was not given as a “works” system through which we could earn acceptance with God. Biblically, “Law” means “the teaching of God.” Law was given as a picture of God’s character and a window into God’s heart. Because God knew we could never achieve the righteousness the Law described, He sent Jesus as the ultimate manifestation of His grace and love. Through the New Covenant, God’s law is now written in and on our hearts. The path to righteousness is not through striving to keep an external standard, but in allowing Holy Spirit to produce His fruit in us. To learn more, we recommend you read Set Yourself Free.
Your past does not have to control your future. You can disqualify yourself from ministry by choosing to violate God’s Word, but if you truly repent, God will always open a path to restoration. Your destiny is not ruined when you make a mistake. A key to walking in restoration and blessing is the concept of firstfruits. If we bring God our best, then He will bless the rest. To learn more, we recommend you read Redeeming the Time and Possessing Your Inheritance.
Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.” When we choose to give Him the first of our time and increase, He sanctifies both our time and our finances. We also position ourselves to hear the revelation and receive the blessings that the LORD prepared for this time frame. Firstfruits is different from the tithe and the offering of gifts. It’s not about a specific amount, but rather relative to the aspect of faith you’re operating in and what God is requiring of you for that time. To learn more, read A Time to Advance and A Time to Prosper.
Worship is more than the beautiful focus of relationship with and adoration of our Creator-God, it’s a higher call to exercise His will. What God is saying and doing in heaven has to be manifested here on earth – that’s where we come in. As we worship, our adoration ascends to His throne, and it’s through this process that we gain the effective revelation we need to overcome. We are called to establish God’s manifest presence and power in a place so that from that place we can be sent forth. To learn more, we recommend reading Worship As It Is In Heaven, Worship Warrior, and Moving With Heaven: God Is.
When Jesus ascended He gave gifts to humankind. These gifts enable God’s people to operate in supernatural dimensions and thereby accomplish the Father’s purposes in the earth. God calls all His people to minister with these gifts – regardless of gender, race, identity or past sin. God provided a specific order and alignment for these gifts (first apostle, second prophet, third teacher…) so that His people can be equipped to function as a mighty army in the earth. The Holy Spirit is in the earth to manifest these gifts in God’s people, from generation to generation. To learn more, we recommend reading Experiencing the Spirit and Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow.
We serve a King who is advancing a Kingdom. The King has chosen to position His Kingdom within humankind. He sends those who have His Kingdom within them into every aspect of society’s culture. The Kingdom of God is here now! The seven mountains of society are meant to be influenced and dominated by the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom has Jesus Christ as the cornerstone and apostles properly related to prophets form the foundation of the Kingdom. Apostles create and execute God’s prototype plan in the earth and through each nation of the earth until there is a house of prayer built for every people group. Jesus taught us to pray that God’s Kingdom would come to earth as it is in heaven.To learn more, we recommend you read Apostolic Church Arising and Apostles Today.
We believe God speaks today. Prophecy is an outflow of God’s heart, nature and mind. We are called to seek all spiritual gifts, but especially to prophesy (1 Cor. 14:1). The privilege of every believer is to learn to hear and interact with the Father’s voice. God promises if we will pay attention to His prophets, we will succeed! Knowing that God speaks is not enough; we must hear and respond to the voice of the one speaking! Prophets decree heaven’s will. To learn more, we recommend you read The Future War of the Church, God’s Unfolding Battle Plan, and Fighting for Your Prophetic Promises.
Because we represent a Kingdom, we are at war to enforce Kingdom principles and plans in the earth. We are at war and must be equipped to stand against the enemy. Accomplishing God’s purposes on earth is not without opposition. We are called to stand against the enemy and set his captives free. To enable us to stand in warfare, God provides His spiritual armor and weapons. We war from our abiding place in God. We ascend in worship and then descend in war. When you have conquered one enemy, the warfare for that season ends and you enter the REST of the land (Hebrews 4). To learn more, read The Spiritual Warfare Handbook and Restoring Your Shield of Faith.
From the beginning of God’s covenant with Abraham, His plan was to bless all the nations. One of the purposes of the nation of Israel was to show the other nations how they could relate to God. They were to live in such a way that the glory of the Lord would be on them and Gentiles would be drawn to them (Is. 60). His House was to be a joyful House of Prayer for all the nations (Is. 56:6-7). When the Jews rejected Jesus, they missed fulfilling this portion of their destiny. But that did not negate God’s plan for all the nations to be blessed. Through Jesus, the Messiah, there is a remnant that has formed, called the Church. This group is called to be a light to the nations to all that unredeemed Israel did not reach. Through the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, the Church can display the power and glory of God for sinners to be drawn to salvation and equipped to do the works of Jesus in the earth. God promised Abraham that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through him. Before He ascended, Jesus sent His disciples out to fulfill this promise and commanded them to disciple the nations – helping whole nations to be disciples of the Lord. From generation to generation, the Lord develops His Church to disciple the nations until the fullness of His plan has been completed and all nations have been restored. This is the outworking of God’s covenant promise to Abraham. Because Gentiles are grafted into this covenant, we can fulfill our commission. To learn more, we recommend reading Messianic Church Arising.
Several have asked if there is a similarity between what we teach prophetically at Glory of Zion, and the occult Jewish practice of Kabbalah. My answer to that is a clear and unambiguous “no!” I have looked at websites and material that present Kabalistic teaching and I agree that it is occult and clearly demonic.
At Glory of Zion, we operate from a prophetic understanding, based on God’s revelation of Himself to the ancient Jewish people (Rom 3:1-2). Through His historic dealings with Israel, God imparted to the Jewish people a unique “Hebraic” mindset. This Hebraic mindset was also the mindset of the early church. It is part of the “rich sap from the olive root” that Paul writes about in Romans 11:17.
When the church rejected its Jewish roots in the 4th century, it lost the Hebraic mindset, and adopted a pagan Greek worldview. Because of this, there are many things in Scripture, and in the world around us, that we have a hard time understanding.
Because the church has so embraced a pagan Greek worldview, Christians often find the biblical worldview strange and unfamiliar, but it is essential to understand if we are to correctly interpret what God is saying to His church today.
The Hebraic mindset includes the presupposition that God has revealed Himself and His purposes in many ways: Through His calendar, through His providential dealings with Israel, and even through the Hebrew language. The Jews believe that the Hebrew language was the original language given by God in Eden, and the Hebrew alphabet was given by God to enable Torah to be recorded. (Interestingly, many archaeologists now believe that written alphabetic language probably originated with the Hebrew people.)
The kind of thing we do concerning the meaning of the months, tribes, years, etc, does not grow out of Kabalistic teaching, but out of an understanding of the Hebraic mindset God imparted to Israel.
In our English alphabet, for example, a “letter” is just a symbol used to represent a sound. In the Hebrew alphabet, however, individual letters not only represent sounds, but ideas. They each have meaning. (The Hebrew letters were originally pictograms, like the Chinese alphabet.) Even the shapes of the letters can be significant.
The meaning of a Hebrew word was often determined by the collective meanings of the individual letters. This is not Kabbalah. It was always part of the Hebrew language. Jesus, Himself, taught that even the smallest Hebrew letter, and the smallest part of a Hebrew letter had lasting significance (Mt. 5:18).
It is true that those who practice Kabbalah also begin with a Hebraic view of reality. Because of their background in Judaism, they have a Hebraic understanding of God’s times and seasons. They recognize that the Hebrew alphabet has rich meaning. The works of darkness always begin with a grain of truth, but then mix the truth with error. Kabbalah begins with truth that is inherent in God’s creation and perverts it into something occultic.
If we are to accuse Glory of Zion of Kabbalah we must also accuse every astronomer of practicing astrology, since both astronomers and astrologers study the heavens and track the positions of stars, planets, and constellations. Recognizing the truth God embedded in the Hebrew language is not Kabbalah, any more than all study of the heavens is astrology!
The problem for many Christians today is that we have inherited a Greek rationalistic mindset that has no appreciation of the Bible’s Hebraic context.
If you read even a little of the writings associated with Kabbalah, you quickly see that what they do is VERY much different than what Chuck and I are doing.
We have had a number of Jews listen to our presentation of the Hebrew year. These have included both messianic and non-messianic Jews, and even a Torah scribe from Jerusalem. Their usual response is that they have never heard a Gentile with such a good understanding of the Hebraic way of thinking. None of them considered what we are doing as Kabbalah.
We are raising up a prophetic company of people who are not afraid to hear the Word of God and speak it over their lives, families, region, school, government etc. God wants to do marvelous things but He needs His people to come in agreement with Him.
The Church has been operating in a model established by the Catholic church in 3rd Century AD. At the time, the Catholic church wanted to control the outbreak of the Holy Spirit. God’s intended model for His Church can be found in the 1st Century Church, which is in Acts. The Church’s 1st Century operation is key in order for the Kingdom of Heaven to come on Earth as Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 6:11. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place, but rather an authority that was given to us to occupy and rule until Jesus returns. Throughout the centuries, the Holy Spirit has been releasing onto the Earth for those who have ears to hear. However, the next levels in God, sometimes even revival in a people or region, has been hindered by the strategies of the enemy that cause people to shrink back, disobey and mistrust God’s leading, or altogether cut off the new levels at which God wants us to flow in. The Church needs to become knowledgeable about their enemy, his strategies, and how to engage their enemy. This is the Apostolic Church’s assignment - to reclaim and occupy strategically. It is not in size, but in knowing its identity and operating in its power.
The Greek word, Koinonia, means “fellowship”; being used in Scripture when speaking about the Church in a brotherly, feel-good fashion. However, in Matt.16:17-19, when Jesus says, “..upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overpower it”. The Greek word here is Ekklesia, which means “called out ones”. This shifts the understanding of church gatherings; speaking of movement that is shifting into rightful function. For too long, The Church as we know it, has been led by only a Pastor and followers. The Church does not understand its God given identity and mandate. The Apostolic is a five-fold governmental leadership where the Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor and Evangelist are working together to bring people in their assignment and purpose. We are training people to understand their place in the Kingdom of God and how to fulfill their assignment, whether short-term or long-term, in the sphere(s) in which they are assigned. God gave each person gifts and purpose in line with those gifts. He calls each person to come into their assignment through their giftings. This is causing people to get involved whether they are called to be a organizer, a business man or woman, a teacher or to whatever capacity He has caused them to become, including you.
Apostle: Lays the foundation. Responsible for receiving the instructions and providing leadership structure.
Prophet: Hears the direction of God and the assignment for the ministry and shares it to the Apostle and Teacher.
Teacher: Receives the instructions from the Apostle and teaches it to the people.
Pastor: Shepherds the people. Coordinates the outreach and care for the people.
Evangelist: Does the outreach to the public in whatever form that takes place.
The church is called to be God’s ladder connecting the kingdom of heaven on earth. Christian Life Center’s assignment is to establish an access point for the kingdom of God in Queens, where God will be able to occupy the 7 mountains in this region. We are called to raise up this generation to walk in the fullness of their identity as they sit in kingdom governmental positions as leaders.
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